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"Left":"Top",e=$(a,"margin"+d,c);return a["offset"+d]-(_(a,b,parseFloat(e),e.replace(w,""))||0)},ba=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f={};if(b=b||Z(a,null))if(c=b.length)for(;--c>-1;)e=b[c],(-1===e.indexOf("-transform")||Ca===e)&&(f[e.replace(C,E)]=b.getPropertyValue(e));else for(c in b)(-1===c.indexOf("Transform")||Ba===c)&&(f[c]=b[c]);else if(b=a.currentStyle||a.style)for(c in b)"string"==typeof c&&void 0===f[c]&&(f[c.replace(C,E)]=b[c]);return T||(f.opacity=U(a)),d=Pa(a,b,!1),f.rotation=d.rotation,f.skewX=d.skewX,f.scaleX=d.scaleX,f.scaleY=d.scaleY,f.x=d.x,f.y=d.y,Ea&&(f.z=d.z,f.rotationX=d.rotationX,f.rotationY=d.rotationY,f.scaleZ=d.scaleZ),f.filters&&delete f.filters,f},ca=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f,g,h,i={},j=a.style;for(g in c)"cssText"!==g&&"length"!==g&&isNaN(g)&&(b[g]!==(f=c[g])||e&&e[g])&&-1===g.indexOf("Origin")&&("number"==typeof f||"string"==typeof f)&&(i[g]="auto"!==f||"left"!==g&&"top"!==g? "hsla("+d[0]+","+d[1]+"%,"+d[2]+"%,"+d[3]:"rgba("+d.join(","))+")";return h+a.substr(g)},oa="(?:\\b(?:(?:rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\\(.+?\\))|\\B#(? Multiple economic indicators are reaching levels of stress not seen since the global financial crisis. (D||C||1!==G||M||L))return void(A[Ba]=(z.xPercent||z.yPercent? Natasha, could you help to explain at a high level the vehicle electrification model that we have created? You must make your own independent decisions regarding any securities, financial instruments or strategies mentioned or related to the information herein. The virus has spread extremely rapidly since restrictions were lifted weighing on mobility and economic activity. That's a very good example. "":"none"})},v=function(){var n=d.trigger(r.colorTrigger),a={};a[t?"right":"bottom"]=0,a[t?"border-top-width":"border-left-width"]=1,o.css(n.firstChild,a),o.css(n.firstChild.firstChild,{padding:t? BlackRock has not examined any of these websites and does not assume any responsibility for the contents of such websites nor the services, products or items offered through such websites. _tween.repeat(-1); (n.slideOffset=(n.options.slidesToShow-(i-n.slideCount))*n.slideWidth*-1,r=(n.options.slidesToShow-(i-n.slideCount))*t*-1):(n.slideOffset=n.slideCount%n.options.slidesToScroll*n.slideWidth*-1,r=n.slideCount%n.options.slidesToScroll*t*-1))):i+n.options.slidesToShow>n.slideCount&&(n.slideOffset=(i+n.options.slidesToShow-n.slideCount)*n.slideWidth,r=(i+n.options.slidesToShow-n.slideCount)*t),n.slideCount<=n.options.slidesToShow&&(n.slideOffset=0,r=0),!0===n.options.centerMode&&n.slideCount<=n.options.slidesToShow?n.slideOffset=n.slideWidth*Math.floor(n.options.slidesToShow)/2-n.slideWidth*n.slideCount/2:!0===n.options.centerMode&&!0===n.options.infinite?n.slideOffset+=n.slideWidth*Math.floor(n.options.slidesToShow/2)-n.slideWidth:!0===n.options.centerMode&&(n.slideOffset=0,n.slideOffset+=n.slideWidth*Math.floor(n.options.slidesToShow/2)),e=!1===n.options.vertical?i*n.slideWidth*-1+n.slideOffset:i*t*-1+r,!0===n.options.variableWidth&&(o=n.slideCount<=n.options.slidesToShow||!1===n.options.infinite?n.$slideTrack.children(".slick-slide").eq(i):n.$slideTrack.children(".slick-slide").eq(i+n.options.slidesToShow),e=!0===n.options.rtl?o[0]?-1*(n.$slideTrack.width()-o[0].offsetLeft-o.width()):0:o[0]?-1*o[0].offsetLeft:0,!0===n.options.centerMode&&(o=n.slideCount<=n.options.slidesToShow||!1===n.options.infinite?n.$slideTrack.children(".slick-slide").eq(i):n.$slideTrack.children(".slick-slide").eq(i+n.options.slidesToShow+1),e=!0===n.options.rtl?o[0]?-1*(n.$slideTrack.width()-o[0].offsetLeft-o.width()):0:o[0]?-1*o[0].offsetLeft:0,e+=(n.$list.width()-o.outerWidth())/2)),e},e.prototype.getOption=e.prototype.slickGetOption=function(i){return this.options[i]},e.prototype.getNavigableIndexes=function(){var i,e=this,t=0,o=0,s=[];for(!1===e.options.infinite?i=e.slideCount:(t=-1*e.options.slidesToScroll,o=-1*e.options.slidesToScroll,i=2*e.slideCount);t=q)for(d=this._first;d&&d._startTime<=a&&!m;)d._duration||"isPause"!==d.data||d.ratio||0===d._startTime&&0===this._rawPrevTime||(m=d),d=d._next;else for(d=this._last;d&&d._startTime>=a&&!m;)d._duration||"isPause"===d.data&&d._rawPrevTime>0&&(m=d),d=d._prev;m&&(this._time=a=m._startTime,this._totalTime=a+this._cycle*(this._totalDuration+this._repeatDelay))}if(this._cycle!==w&&!this._locked){var x=this._yoyo&&0!==(1&w),y=x===(this._yoyo&&0!==(1&this._cycle)),z=this._totalTime,A=this._cycle,B=this._rawPrevTime,C=this._time;if(this._totalTime=w*p,this._cyclei.options.slidesToShow&&(i.$prevArrow.hide(),i.$nextArrow.hide()),!0===i.options.dots&&i.slideCount>i.options.slidesToShow&&i.$dots.hide(),i.$slider.addClass("slick-loading")},e.prototype.swipeDirection=function(){var i,e,t,o,s=this;return i=s.touchObject.startX-s.touchObject.curX,e=s.touchObject.startY-s.touchObject.curY,t=Math.atan2(e,i),(o=Math.round(180*t/Math.PI))<0&&(o=360-Math.abs(o)),o<=45&&o>=0?!1===s.options.rtl?"left":"right":o<=360&&o>=315?!1===s.options.rtl?"left":"right":o>=135&&o<=225?!1===s.options.rtl?"right":"left":!0===s.options.verticalSwiping?o>=35&&o<=135? For example, hybrids, plug-in hybrids that also increased the efficiency of vehicles, but not as much and in a more cost effective way. Sources: BlackRock Investment Institute, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, with data from Haver Analytics, January 2023. And we're seeing this make its way into all of the different practices of healthcare. * // get the current tweenChanges option We see core inflation lingering close to 3% in 2024 despite our recession outlook this year. Which is rare to have all three sectors performing as strongly as they did in ECM space. * var tween2 = TweenMax.to("obj2", 1, {y: 100}); Sources: BlackRock Investment Institute, with data from Haver Analytics, January 2023. And on the other side of the spectrum is of course Europe, where our forecasts are calling that by 2025, there will be no internal combustion engine vehicles sold at all. Trade Register No. So from, by definition, the larger the group of participants in a particular project and the more diverse this group is, then the lower the margin of error. Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 1, 0, "(" + NAMESPACE + ")", "->"); If you are unsure about the meaning of any of the information provided, please consult your financial or other professional adviser. The macro mood has taken a positive turn post-Davos, reflecting relief over the resilience of the European economy and optimism over China's early exit from its zero-COVID policy, relaxing the reins on economic activity. Users are advised to periodically review the contents of this Website to be familiar with any modifications. (("ms"===b.substr(0,2)||"webkit"===b.substr(0,6))&&(b="-"+b),a.removeProperty(b.replace(B,"-$1").toLowerCase())):a.removeAttribute(b))},Ua=function(a){if(this.t._gsClassPT=this,1===a||0===a){this.t.setAttribute("class",0===a?this.b:this.e);for(var b=this.data,c=this.t.style;b;)b.v?c[b.p]=b.v:Ta(c,b.p),b=b._next;1===a&&this.t._gsClassPT===this&&(this.t._gsClassPT=null)}else this.t.getAttribute("class")!==this.e&&this.t.setAttribute("class",this.e)};xa("className",{parser:function(a,b,d,f,g,h,i){var j,k,l,m,n,o=a.getAttribute("class")||"",p=a.style.cssText;if(g=f._classNamePT=new sa(a,d,0,0,g,2),g.setRatio=Ua,g.pr=-11,c=!0,g.b=o,k=ba(a,e),l=a._gsClassPT){for(m={},n=l.data;n;)m[n.p]=1,n=n._next;l.setRatio(1)}return a._gsClassPT=g,g.e="="!==b.charAt(1)?b:o.replace(new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)"+b.substr(2)+"(?![\\w-])"),"")+("+"===b.charAt(0)?" * It's a very well supplied market, at least not until 2023. )[0-9]/gi,L=function(a){for(var b,c=this._firstPT,d=1e-6;c;)b=c.blob?a?this.join(""):this.start:c.c*a+c.s,c.m?b=c.m(b,this._target||c.t):d>b&&b>-d&&(b=0),c.f?c.fp?c.t[c.p](c.fp,b):c.t[c.p](b):c.t[c.p]=b,c=c._next},M=function(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l=[a,b],m=0,n="",o=0;for(l.start=a,c&&(c(l),a=l[0],b=l[1]),l.length=0,e=a.match(K)||[],f=b.match(K)||[],d&&(d._next=null,d.blob=1,l._firstPT=l._applyPT=d),i=f.length,h=0;i>h;h++)k=f[h],j=b.substr(m,b.indexOf(k,m)-m),n+=j||!h?j:",",m+=j.length,o?o=(o+1)%5:"rgba("===j.substr(-5)&&(o=1),k===e[h]||e.length<=h?n+=k:(n&&(l.push(n),n=""),g=parseFloat(e[h]),l.push(g),l._firstPT={_next:l._firstPT,t:l,p:l.length-1,s:g,c:("="===k.charAt(1)?parseInt(k.charAt(0)+"1",10)*parseFloat(k.substr(2)):parseFloat(k)-g)||0,f:0,m:o&&4>o?Math.round:0}),m+=k.length;return n+=b.substr(m),n&&l.push(n),l.setRatio=L,l},N=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){"function"==typeof d&&(d=d(i||0,a));var j,k,l="get"===c?a[b]:c,m=typeof a[b],n="string"==typeof d&&"="===d.charAt(1),o={t:a,p:b,s:l,f:"function"===m,pg:0,n:e||b,m:f? In China,this may not be distributed to individuals resident in the People's Republic of China ("PRC", for such purposes, excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) or entities registered in the PRC unless such parties have received all the required PRC government approvals to participate in any investment or receive any investment advisory or investment management services. Business surveys suggest contractionChange in business sentiment, 2018-2022. COVID-19 is amplifying the risk of a worldwide food-price spike, which would trigger outright crises in many developing countries. This material is only directed at 'Professional Clients and no other person should rely upon the information contained within it. Receipt and review of this information constitutes your agreement not to redistribute or retransmit the contents and information contained in this communication without first obtaining express permission from an authorized officer of J.P. Morgan. I'm Ryan Brinkman, U.S. Registered office: 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London, EC2N 2DL. Natasha: So what we're seeing is a very strong tendency from the battery producers as the technology is moving very, very fast towards higher nico-- higher nickel chemistrys in the battery packs expand-- at the cost of the cobalt. Noelle: Hi, I'm Noelle Grainger, Global Head of Equity Research, and I'm here, live, in New York City with our U.S. Media Analyst, Alexia Quadrani. (i=k-t,j=l-u,v.xOffset+=i*w[0]+j*w[2]-i,v.yOffset+=i*w[1]+j*w[3]-j):v.xOffset=v.yOffset=0),f||a.setAttribute("data-svg-origin",h.join(" "))},La=function(a){try{return a.getBBox()}catch(a){}},Ma=function(a){return!! Neither the CMA or any other authority or regulator located in KSA has approved this information. You acknowledge that certain information contained in this Website supplied by third parties may be incorrect or incomplete, and such information is provided on an "AS IS" basis. * (n.hidden="mozHidden",n.visibilityChange="mozvisibilitychange"):void 0!==document.webkitHidden&&(n.hidden="webkitHidden",n.visibilityChange="webkitvisibilitychange"),n.autoPlay=i.proxy(n.autoPlay,n),n.autoPlayClear=i.proxy(n.autoPlayClear,n),n.autoPlayIterator=i.proxy(n.autoPlayIterator,n),n.changeSlide=i.proxy(n.changeSlide,n),n.clickHandler=i.proxy(n.clickHandler,n),n.selectHandler=i.proxy(n.selectHandler,n),n.setPosition=i.proxy(n.setPosition,n),n.swipeHandler=i.proxy(n.swipeHandler,n),n.dragHandler=i.proxy(n.dragHandler,n),n.keyHandler=i.proxy(n.keyHandler,n),n.instanceUid=e++,n.htmlExpr=/^(? Please refer to the Financial Conduct Authority website for a list of authorized activities conducted by BlackRock. (!P[c]||P[c]&&P[c]._autoCSS)||(d[c]=a[c],delete a[c]);a.css=d};g=F.prototype=new C,g.constructor=F,g.kill()._gc=!1,g.ratio=0,g._firstPT=g._targets=g._overwrittenProps=g._startAt=null,g._notifyPluginsOfEnabled=g._lazy=!1,F.version="1.19.0",F.defaultEase=g._ease=new u(null,null,1,1),F.defaultOverwrite="auto",F.ticker=h,F.autoSleep=120,F.lagSmoothing=function(a,b){h.lagSmoothing(a,b)},F.selector=a.$||a.jQuery||function(b){var c=a.$||a.jQuery;return c? That's where we, sort of the advertisers wanna be able to do effectively. Investment involves risks. oldCallback.apply(this, arguments); But by and large, the big rights stay now with traditional media companies. !g.immediateRender,k=g.ease;if(g.startAt){this._startAt&&(this._startAt.render(-1,!0),this._startAt.kill()),e={};for(d in g.startAt)e[d]=g.startAt[d];if(e.overwrite=!1,e.immediateRender=!0,e.lazy=j&&g.lazy!==!1,e.startAt=e.delay=null,this._startAt=F.to(this.target,0,e),j)if(this._time>0)this._startAt=null;else if(0!==i)return}else if(g.runBackwards&&0!==i)if(this._startAt)this._startAt.render(-1,!0),this._startAt.kill(),this._startAt=null;else{0!==this._time&&(j=!1),c={};for(d in g)S[d]&&"autoCSS"!==d||(c[d]=g[d]);if(c.overwrite=0,c.data="isFromStart",c.lazy=j&&g.lazy!==!1,c.immediateRender=j,this._startAt=F.to(this.target,0,c),j){if(0===this._time)return}else this._startAt._init(),this._startAt._enabled(!1),this.vars.immediateRender&&(this._startAt=null)}if(this._ease=k=k?k instanceof u?k:"function"==typeof k?new u(k,g.easeParams):v[k]||F.defaultEase:F.defaultEase,g.easeParams instanceof Array&&k.config&&(this._ease=k.config.apply(k,g.easeParams)),this._easeType=this._ease._type,this._easePower=this._ease._power,this._firstPT=null,this._targets)for(f=this._targets.length,a=0;f>a;a++)this._initProps(this._targets[a],this._propLookup[a]={},this._siblings[a],h?h[a]:null,a)&&(b=!0);else b=this._initProps(this.target,this._propLookup,this._siblings,h,0);if(b&&F._onPluginEvent("_onInitAllProps",this),h&&(this._firstPT||"function"!=typeof this.target&&this._enabled(!1,!1)),g.runBackwards)for(c=this._firstPT;c;)c.s+=c.c,c.c=-c.c,c=c._next;this._onUpdate=g.onUpdate,this._initted=!0},g._initProps=function(b,c,d,e,f){var g,h,i,j,k,l;if(null==b)return!1;J[b._gsTweenID]&&X(),this.vars.css||b.style&&b!==a&&b.nodeType&&P.css&&this.vars.autoCSS!==!1&&H(this.vars,b);for(g in this.vars)if(l=this.vars[g],S[g])l&&(l instanceof Array||l.push&&o(l))&&-1!==l.join("").indexOf("{self}")&&(this.vars[g]=l=this._swapSelfInParams(l,this));else if(P[g]&&(j=new P[g])._onInitTween(b,this.vars[g],this,f)){for(this._firstPT=k={_next:this._firstPT,t:j,p:"setRatio",s:0,c:1,f:1,n:g,pg:1,pr:j._priority,m:0},h=j._overwriteProps.length;--h>-1;)c[j._overwriteProps[h]]=this._firstPT;(j._priority||j._onInitAllProps)&&(i=!0),(j._onDisable||j._onEnable)&&(this._notifyPluginsOfEnabled=!0),k._next&&(k._next._prev=k)}else c[g]=N.call(this,b,g,"get",l,g,0,null,this.vars.stringFilter,f);return e&&this._kill(e,b)?this._initProps(b,c,d,e,f):this._overwrite>1&&this._firstPT&&d.length>1&&$(b,this,c,this._overwrite,d)? , at least not until 2023 outlook this year refer to the information herein arguments ;... 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